Our Aim
Your Perfect Mate aims to fill the current void in society in general which has been created by work and social isolation in which it has become difficult to find suitable partners for marriage purposes due to lack of social circle.
In particular, currently the community as a whole are finding that there is a distinct niche for development due to the void created by the small social circles and isolation in this country. Young people are not being able to find suitable partners with similar backgrounds, the current traditional style marriage bureaux not having sufficient database and the current internet marriage/dating agencies seem to be spiralling out of control having no means of verification as to the accuracy of the statements given by the potential candidates and no means of accurately matching the criteria being requested which therefore results in a very low success rate.
Society is now filled with different sectors all having very different
requirements and specific qualities such as different religions, different cultures and different sexual behaviours such as homosexuality.
The low success rate and difficulty in finding suitable partners for
marriage has left many families and young aspiring people to seek
refuge by marrying from their native countries as the only way forward.
This inevitably brings with it the baggage of non compatibility and of
course all the immigration problems which go with it.
Therefore, Your Perfect Mate intends to fill the void by encouraging a large database by
gaining the confidence of the public with their verification procedures, confidentiality and
personally matching potential suitable partners with feedback thereby creating an automatic
control system. This will assist in gaining confidence of the public and increasing the database
and the success rate with the personal touch. Your Perfect Mate will be the first such
organisation to include a feedback system and to include videos as well as photos and a personal
touch to encourage a perfect match for its candidates thereby assisting them to have a more
fulfilling and happier personal and social life and give a valuable contribution to the society in
which they live in.
Your Perfect Mate will also be the first such organisation which will be catering for all the different
sectors of the community due to the large database and including a safe environment for the
potential partners to meet. Remember, the bigger the database the better the matches!
Your Perfect Mate also aspires to increase its success rate because of the controls implemented and will be paying a valuable contribution to society in assisting in immigration control in the country as more and more people will be able to find their matches from partners living in this country and so not having to resort to marrying from abroad as a last measure. This will have an effect in reducing the current divorce pattern especially in the Ethnic Minorities and hopefully with people becoming more and more emotionally stable in long term relationships it could have a beneficial effect on society as a whole.