Become a member – its easy and its free!
When you have become a member
- As a member your profile will be matched personally and you will be sent three free profiles of people who will have been personally selected for you.
- You must indicate which match you would like to meet.
- The other person will be sent notification of your interest and if they agree a meeting it will be arranged by Your Perfect Mate in a venue suitable for both members (preferably half way mark if possible).
- The meeting fee must be paid and a suitable venue with times will be sent to the members. Meeting venue and refreshments are all included.
- If you have no success with any of the three matches sent to arrange a meeting, you may request further free matches, subject to terms and conditions.
- The meetings will be arranged at a comfortable and private venue with refreshments included at an agreed date and administrative members of Your Perfect Mate will be available to introduce you and answer any questions if required.
- The all-inclusive fee per meeting is currently at the special offer price of only £150 per member*
- At the end of the meeting Your Perfect Mate staff will require each member to discreetly fill in a feedback form about the meeting and indicate if they are interested for a further meeting to take place with the same person.
- At the end of the meeting both members will be told privately what the other person feels.
- After the meeting each member will be requested to give their feedback to help us to improve our services.
If the meeting is positive and both members
wish to see each other again
- After the second meeting fee is paid, another meeting will be set up at an agreed venue and date for both parties.
- This time the members will be encouraged to take 1 family member/relative/friend will be allowed to attend the meeting free of charge.
- The meeting will again be at a safe venue directed by Your Perfect Mate Staff and at the end of the meeting again both parties will be required to give feedback discreetly. Each party will be told whether the other party feels this could lead to a serious relationship or not.
- If both parties like each other and wish to make progress they will be given the contact details for each other and encouraged to make further progress on their own.
- The parties will be requested to inform us if they are successful and agree to get married.
- If any marriage is conducted by members through Your Perfect Mate they will be requested to make a gratis payment of minimum £250 each to Your Perfect Mate so we can keep up the good work!
- As a Wedding Gift to the successful partners, Your Perfect Mate will agree to print the wedding invitations* for the successful members.
If the first or second meeting is not positive
- If the first or second meeting is not positive then the member will be requested to choose another meeting with another member from the three selected and the above process will be repeated.
- If in the highly unlikely event that all three meetings are not positive the member can request further personalised matches.*
Please Note
That due to the matches being selected after taking careful note of both criteria and every effort made to ensure the matches are suitable it is unlikely that anyone should actually need to meet more than the first suitable match. However, we accept that chemistry plays a large part in a relationship and therefore provide these options.
* Terms & Conditions apply